Turning Browsers into Buyers
MonthlyClubs.com operates six monthly gift clubs including beer, wine, cheese, chocolate, cigar and flowers.
MonthlyClubs.com's website sales were growing, and the eCommerce team didn’t want to lose the momentum. They sought a solution that would give customers a better shopping experience through the ability to order products from a single site, or to combine selections from multiple sites into one order. Our extensive experience with multi-site development delivered a unique solution for MonthlyClubs.com.

Monthly Clubs saw its three biggest sales days on record during the post-go-live holiday season with sales up 19% over the prior year.
Multi-Site Mastery Delivers Peace of Mind
We designed each of the six gift club sites with a custom look and feel for each product line, with site administration in the eCommerce engine that can be performed by non-technical business users from a single, easy-to-use interface. Serving as a kind of "portal" to the six individual sites, a beautifully designed home page gives shoppers a branded point of entry that introduces the rich, engaging experience they'll find on each product club site. To ensure the sites perform flawlessly, our managed hosting team provides around-the-clock support, freeing up time for site enhancements that engage customers and generate revenue. For retailers like MonthlyClubs.com, where holiday season sales are make-or-break, this peace of mind is priceless.
Solid Results Across Six Sites
A combination of well-designed and easy-to-manage sites, unique features like Design Your Own Club™, consistently reliable performance, and eCommerce marketing efforts that continually improve and enhance MonthlyClubs.com’s online presence have proven extremely successful. The company saw its three biggest sales days on record during the post-go-live holiday season with sales up 19% over the prior year. Bounce rates were down, and both time-on-site and conversion rates were up. Visitors to the site increased by 24% year over year. Best of all, MonthlyClubs.com saw its biggest gains on the higher-margin sites, and ROI projections were on track.

In site visitors

Holiday sales over the prior year
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